


Lick Head Doll

On the morning of the summer solstice, I sat in the cat cafe at Guanyin Bridge, contemplating how to guide the long story I was writing to the ending I had envisioned, or rather, I was actually worried about whether I could finish that story or if I was looking for an excuse - that serial updates weren't suitable for me or that I needed someone to urge me on. In any case, anyone could see that I was progressing slowly, disappointing the few readers I had, if any.

I gently rested my hands on the keyboard of my laptop, pretending that I was still working hard, not wasting time or my life. But in reality, my attention had been drawn to the loud voices of three women at a nearby table, one of whom seemed to be crying. Crying always seemed to indicate some kind of danger and made people around them more alert.

The crying woman said, "Misi was killed by a ghost." As she said this, she broke into a sob, startling a small-eyed orange cat on a nearby chair, causing it to quickly flee.


On the table, another woman with pink-framed glasses held the hand of the crying woman, comforting her.

The third woman had heavy makeup on, and she picked up the pink rose tea in front of her and took a sip.

"That ghost even licked my head!" the crying woman sobbed, gagging. "His saliva stinks."

The woman with heavy makeup also gagged and then pressed her index finger and middle finger together, lightly covering her lips.

I turned my head back, staring at my now darkened screen, realizing that I had been paying too much attention and had become impolite. After all, the woman with glasses also turned her head and gave me a glance.

I moved my little finger and pressed the Enter key, illuminating the computer screen.

Seeing the Simplified Chinese characters on the screen, I couldn't help but sigh, feeling that my storytelling skills were clearly inferior to the crying woman's. It felt as if the past thirty years of my life had been completely invalidated.

Out of the corner of my eye, the woman with glasses stopped looking at me, and I stopped staring at them, but I still listened attentively.

"I've heard about this before, but I didn't expect it to happen to me," the crying woman continued to cry. "Poor Misi, looks just like that cat over there." She pointed to a British Shorthair cat lying on the neighboring table, an old cat with its back facing them, wagging its tail.

"Maybe we should just grow succulents instead," the woman with glasses said. "No more cats or dogs."

"Licking Doll sounds so scary," the woman with heavy makeup said.

"I heard it specifically targets single women who have pets," the woman with glasses said. "I dare not have pets anymore."

"Just like some despicable men, they only know how to bully vulnerable women," the woman with heavy makeup said.

"Yeah," the crying woman stopped crying. She wiped her eyes with a tissue and took a sip of her latte.

I opened the browser and typed "Licking Doll" in the address bar.


Instantly, millions of results appeared.


Naturally, the results on the first page were all related to sex or pornography. After all, whether it was "licking," "head," or "doll," they all seemed to be associated with human sexual desire.

I suppressed the urge to click on the link claiming to be the "most beautiful inflatable doll with a golden ratio in the universe" and clicked on "Next page."

The third result on the second page read, "Caution! Terrifying Licking Doll sneaks in at midnight! Saliva covers the body of single women!"

I swallowed my saliva and turned back to confirm that no one was behind me. In the lower right corner of the screen, I saw the symbol indicating that the device was muted.

Then, of course, I clicked on that link.

Between the flashing banners inviting me to participate in online gambling with poorly made bikini models and the side ads, I saw a suspicious red link, with the words "Licking Doll Truth" in front of it.

"In the name of McAfee, protect me," I silently prayed in my heart, hoping that it would add a layer of mysterious protection to my computer, which was not equipped with third-party security software. At the same time, I slid my finger on the touchpad and lightly tapped to open that link.

The screen switched and started loading a page with an overly blue background, which could only be described as excessive. Although I didn't verify it, I believed it was probably #0000FF blue, the most melancholic blue, which perhaps symbolized freedom and was a slightly eye-catching shade of blue.

The page loaded slowly, like constipation.

"I washed for an hour and a half to get rid of that smell, just like..." the crying woman recalled, but the memory made her gag again. "Just like smoking without rinsing your mouth, drinking vinegar, eating garlic, and licking sweaty feet..."

"Stop talking," the woman with heavy makeup waved her hand.

"Yeah, it's disgusting just to hear it," the woman with glasses wrinkled her face.

The static black Chinese characters on the blue page were like stains on a large piece of silk, or like clusters of floating algae in the sea, carrying information and forming a story about a curse called "Licking Doll."

The story began with a seemingly philosophical but actually clichéd sentence, and ended with a seemingly nonsensical but actually meaningless question.


# Licking Doll

Where there are people, there is desire.

Desire is sticky, composed of semen and love fluid, and also contains some prostate fluid and menstrual blood.

They stick to underwear, seep into sanitary napkins, flow into bed sheets, spray on walls or condoms or toilet paper or silicone masturbators.

They mix with fruit peels and eggshells, or are discarded with delivery takeout bags in the garbage dump. They can also flow into the sewer through the pipes under the toilet or washing machine after being diluted by tap water.

Dead sperm and eggs meet in the sewer or garbage dump, but they cannot become dead fetuses.

Reproductive cells are wasted meaninglessly.

The sperm and eggs that could have combined turn into rotten excrement, urine, and the foul smell of sweat mixed with real excrement, kitchen waste, and garbage.

The new generation is always delayed.

They are replaced, and the replacements are pets, mainly cats and dogs, but also birds, turtles, fish, and insects.

They don't want to be replaced, they also have the instinct to be born into the world.

They, following the hidden logic of the world, become vengeful spirits.

They sneak into the homes of single pet owners after dark. If they find that the owners are still lonely despite having pets, they will execute the incompetent pets, kill them, and replace them to comfort the owners who live alone, licking their heads while they are deeply asleep.

So, although Licking Doll is a vengeful spirit, it is kind and cute.

So, do you like Licking Doll?


I didn't believe it, of course. After all, I had studied advanced mathematics, linear algebra, college physics, signals and systems, automatic control principles, and C++. I believed in the necessity of empirical evidence, and I had never truly seen ghosts or vengeful spirits.

I closed the browser and switched the screen back to my long novel, which I had no idea how to continue. I stared at the few words I had added at the end about an hour ago, and in a daze, it seemed as if I had suddenly lost my understanding of my native language. The word "black" at the end seemed like a spell, filling me with fear.

Ctrl+S. Save. Merge the temporary file into the main file, creating a new permanent record on the disk. At the same time, it infiltrated the encrypted wireless signal and generated a copy on a network disk in a distant place.

I closed the computer, packed it into my backpack, stretched and patted a stuffed cat that happened to pass by, and left.

The cat cafe was too noisy and not suitable for work. That was the excuse I found. Besides, sitting for too long would make my back uncomfortable. This was a supplement to make the excuse more believable.

It was cloudy today, and there was no significant sunlight outside, but it was still hot and humid. I suddenly remembered Mia, the cat that died from feline infectious peritonitis and stress, buried under a tangerine tree near my old residential area. It was probably completely integrated with the earth by now.

I walked home, passing by the toy store squeezed between a clothing store and a mobile phone accessories store in the underground market. I had a sudden idea and went in to buy a toy pet.

It was a pink unicorn, the size of a beer can. The shopkeeper said it was rechargeable and would slowly move forward when you patted its back, and it would also say some encouraging words. It was perfect as a gift for my niece or nephew.

I touched my chin. "Yes, it's definitely for my niece," I added, "It's a birthday present."

80 yuan.

I flicked the pink slider on the unicorn's belly and then placed it on the sofa, watching it move slowly as if it were seriously injured or had a stroke. At the same time, the speaker installed inside it started working. It said to me, "Good job, keep it up!"

I touched its head.

"Can you dance with me?" it said, and then its four legs changed their rhythm of movement, seemingly starting to dance, but it still moved as if it were seriously injured or had a stroke.

I stood up and did a few random movements.

Raise your hand, lift your foot, turn your body, twist your waist and neck, punch randomly in the air...

"You're amazing!" I received encouragement. "Haha." The unicorn laughed happily, "You're so good!"

I stopped and picked up my phone, activating the screen.

I put down my phone and picked up the unicorn, sliding the switch back to turn it off.

I lay down on the sofa and closed my eyes.

In the room, only the low hum of the air conditioner remained.

Night fell.

Night always fell, and no artificial light source could stop it.

So I went back to bed and fell asleep.

I had a dream. At first, I didn't know it was a dream. I only smelled the scent of freshly cut grass or recently harvested rice fields, the scent of plant juices mixed with soil and air, which manifested life and death.

I was wearing a sweater knitted by my grandmother, but it was a bit small and tight around my chest and neck. That wasn't important because she was calling me.

She was behind the dilapidated brick house, or perhaps hiding behind the phoenix tree, behind the automatic glass door, or on the other side of the office cubicle, or maybe right beside me. I held her hand, feeling a bit shy, and then I looked up at her face, but I didn't see the expected facial features, just a blank, a darkness, a void.

She pushed me.

At that moment, I knew I had woken up, but I couldn't open my eyes or move.

This was what they called "sleep paralysis" or "sleep paralysis disorder," supposedly because the brain woke up while the body remained asleep. It was also the root of many ghost stories or alien abduction events.

I knew I had woken up, but I heard breathing. It appeared next to my right ear, and I felt the warm and moist breath. Panic filled my heart because I should have been the only mammal in this two-bedroom apartment, as long as the front door was properly closed.

The front door must have been opened!

Fear spread throughout my body, but I still couldn't move, and a thief entered the house, and I didn't know what he would steal. Maybe I could pretend not to know and let him take away the electronics and the unopened novels. After all, I didn't have any cash, as long as he didn't harm me or take my wallet, which contained my ID card.

Then, something wet and slippery stuck to my right earlobe, and at the same time, a foul smell indicating decay rushed into my nostrils.

I wanted to scream, to gather strength in my consciousness, but my lungs and throat didn't respond.

I wanted to clench my fist and launch a sudden attack, but all the muscles in my body refused the brain's command.

Help! The thief turned out to be a terrifying pervert!

My tongue moved, sliding over my right ear, then stuck to my face.

I wanted to turn my head to avoid it, to prevent it from reaching my nostrils and lips. I thought I had exerted all my strength, but I could only passively accept it.

The tongue slid up, passing over my right eye, and I felt some sticky liquid dripping on my ear and flowing into my ear canal.

The stench almost made me faint, reminding me of a dead rat I had seen next to a shrub when I was in elementary school, a rat whose skin seemed to be wriggling. I squatted down and looked closely, picked up a branch, and inserted it into the rat's flesh, giving it a strong poke. In that instant, I seemed to see a burst of hot air coming out of it. The next moment, decaying flesh and maggots scattered and fell, landing on my hair, crawling into my clothes, and adding decoration to my new shoes. The burst of hot air turned into an unstoppable stench, making my stomach churn, my throat throb, and turning the fava beans, green peppers, and rice I had eaten for lunch into a paste in my stomach, which I vomited out, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward. At the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

The stench I smelled now was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs. A long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed. My stomach convulsed uncontrollably, and I couldn't resist. The completely digested food from last night, mixed with stomach acid, flowed out of my throat, turning into a slurry, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward, and at the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

I now smelled a stench that was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs, and a long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed. My stomach convulsed uncontrollably, and I couldn't resist. The completely digested food from last night, mixed with stomach acid, flowed out of my throat, turning into a slurry, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward, and at the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

I now smelled a stench that was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs, and a long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed. My stomach convulsed uncontrollably, and I couldn't resist. The completely digested food from last night, mixed with stomach acid, flowed out of my throat, turning into a slurry, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward, and at the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

I now smelled a stench that was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs, and a long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed. My stomach convulsed uncontrollably, and I couldn't resist. The completely digested food from last night, mixed with stomach acid, flowed out of my throat, turning into a slurry, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward, and at the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

I now smelled a stench that was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs, and a long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed. My stomach convulsed uncontrollably, and I couldn't resist. The completely digested food from last night, mixed with stomach acid, flowed out of my throat, turning into a slurry, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward, and at the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

I now smelled a stench that was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs, and a long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed. My stomach convulsed uncontrollably, and I couldn't resist. The completely digested food from last night, mixed with stomach acid, flowed out of my throat, turning into a slurry, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward, and at the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

I now smelled a stench that was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs, and a long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed. My stomach convulsed uncontrollably, and I couldn't resist. The completely digested food from last night, mixed with stomach acid, flowed out of my throat, turning into a slurry, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward, and at the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

I now smelled a stench that was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs, and a long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed. My stomach convulsed uncontrollably, and I couldn't resist. The completely digested food from last night, mixed with stomach acid, flowed out of my throat, turning into a slurry, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward, and at the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

I now smelled a stench that was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs, and a long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed. My stomach convulsed uncontrollably, and I couldn't resist. The completely digested food from last night, mixed with stomach acid, flowed out of my throat, turning into a slurry, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward, and at the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

I now smelled a stench that was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs, and a long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed. My stomach convulsed uncontrollably, and I couldn't resist. The completely digested food from last night, mixed with stomach acid, flowed out of my throat, turning into a slurry, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward, and at the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

I now smelled a stench that was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs, and a long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed. My stomach convulsed uncontrollably, and I couldn't resist. The completely digested food from last night, mixed with stomach acid, flowed out of my throat, turning into a slurry, splattering on the rotten rat that had been poked open, and also splattering on my new shoes.

My instinctive reaction was to escape. I stood up suddenly, hitting my head on a thorn on the shrub. The pain immediately redirected the movement of my head and made my left foot slip, causing me to kneel forward, and at the same time, my upper body continued to tilt forward with the help of gravity. My face buried itself in the vomit, rotten flesh, and maggots, and these soft, slippery, sticky substances also entered my nostrils and mouth.

I now smelled a stench that was even worse than the childhood haze, but my body couldn't express its protest with vomiting.

The tongue slid across my forehead, then suddenly turned and covered my nose, then flipped again, wiping across my lips.

The foul-smelling mucus was brought deeper into my nasal cavity with each breath, filling my lungs with an even stronger stench.

The tongue continued to slide across my left cheek, then stuck to my right ear and frantically stirred, turning in my ear canal several times before moving up, starting to smear its foul saliva on my hair.


I heard a burp, like that of a fat, bloated toad filled with gas.

At the same time, I remembered the legend of the Licking Doll.

At the same time, my brain reconnected with my body, and I truly woke up.

In a hazy and blurry vision, I saw a black "creature" the size of a pillow. It had an overly bloated body and relatively small limbs, and a long black tongue extended from its big mouth, like a giant earthworm.

When my vision became clear, the creature disappeared.

But the stench and the accompanying mucus did not disappear. They covered my head and spread all over my pillow, making me vomit directly on the bed.

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