


Bad Boy


"Be careful! Don't break it!" Wang Xin nervously glanced back at the two burly moving company employees, repeatedly emphasizing the importance of the metal box they were carrying.

But the two employees didn’t mind the constant warnings and urgings, as Wang Xin clearly had a pair of beautiful breasts swaying beneath her tank top, becoming the most beautiful sight in this job.

"Miss, what's in this box? You seem really anxious."

"It’s... it’s an antique, very valuable. Ah!" Wang Xin suddenly gasped, clenching her legs beneath her ultra-short skirt, but the intruder was not deterred by such a squeeze; instead, he pushed aside her thin underwear and began to knead her labia. Wang Xin turned around to see a boy no more than ten years old leering at her backside. Embarrassed and angry, Wang Xin grabbed the boy's arm and pulled his hand away. The boy seemed to be in pain from the grip, his expression suddenly twisted, and then Wang Xin slapped his face, becoming the final straw that broke the dam.

The floodgates opened. The boy fell to the ground, howling loudly; the sound was not merely crying, but an attempt to draw attention, almost like a warning.

Sure enough, he quickly got the response he wanted. A plump woman, clearly the boy's mother, rushed out from room 405, wearing an apron. Upon seeing Wang Xin, her expression instantly turned fierce, as if she had encountered a nemesis or a murderer of her father.

"Mom, she hit me." The boy covered his face, accusing Wang Xin, his voice carrying a strange tone, as if condemning an unforgivable crime.

"You filthy whore, why did you hit my son!" The fat woman waved her hands but didn’t approach, as if fighting with the air.

"He put his hand under my skirt."

"You filthy whore, dressing so provocatively, you deserve to be touched!" The fat woman continued to act aggressively, "My son touching you is a compliment!"

"Get lost!" Wang Xin felt a surge of rage rising from her stomach, uncontrollable, and she had to shout, "Did a dog fuck you to give birth to this bastard!"

The fat woman was taken aback, seemingly not expecting such a counterattack, but she quickly regrouped and launched a new round of attacks: "You filthy whore, ridden by thousands, just because no one has touched you for a while, you start to seduce a ten-year-old! Aren't you ashamed? Not even wearing a bra! All day long out here seducing wild men, your ass is blackened, and even if I paid my son, he wouldn’t touch you!"

Wang Xin's face turned red with anger; after all, cursing was not her specialty, and she could not win. Realizing this, she decided not to engage further and slipped into her rented apartment numbered 404. She would definitely take revenge; she knew it.

"Hey, you say it from the heart, and now you want to run! Go back and rub your stinky pussy!" The fat woman continued relentlessly, then turned to the two moving company employees who had set the box down and were watching with wicked smiles, "Let them... " The fat woman realized it was inappropriate as soon as she started speaking, after all, these two burly men looked more like the type to use their fists than their mouths. "You filthy whore! Stinky cunt!..." The fat woman locked her attack on the woman who had retreated into the room.

The two moving company employees felt a bit disappointed; they had hoped the woman would say she had slept with that woman. Although it wasn't true, it could bring some strange pleasure, and if imagined well, that pleasure could turn into excitement.

"Don't mind her, keep moving the stuff!" Wang Xin, her face flushed, walked to the door and repeated, "Be careful!"

The two moving company employees moved the metal box into the house amidst the boy's fake cries and the middle-aged woman's insults, then placed it in a corner of the room as Wang Xin instructed.

When the moving company employees went out to move other furniture, Wang Xin took a key from the bracelet on her left hand and opened the metal box. Lifting the foam used for filling space and preventing impact, a stone disk appeared before her. On that disk, a complex pattern was engraved in a symmetric design.

Wang Xin sighed in relief, closed the lid, and locked it again. Then she glanced at the door where the shouting was still ongoing, revealing a wicked smile.


The night was deep, with only the occasional passing vehicle bringing a low mechanical rumble.

In the chaotic center of the room, a figure was using a coarse black dog hair brush dipped in a porcelain jar of human blood to finish painting a magic circle.

This magic circle overall resembled a six-pointed star, with many additional details. At each pointed tip of the star, a blood-red Chinese character was inscribed, in clockwise order: evil, prohibition, fierce, path, descend, spirit. In the hexagonal area at the center of the six-pointed star, a shape with twisted eyes was depicted, its gaze fierce enough to intimidate even the most fearless adolescent. Additionally, some thorn-like blood-red lines were drawn around the outer edge of the star.

Wang Xin finally completed the drawing, sitting on the ground in exhaustion. After resting for a while, she stood up and laboriously took out the stone disk engraved with the complex pattern from the nearby metal box. She struggled to lift the disk and gently placed it in the center of the magic circle she had just drawn.

Then she sat cross-legged beside the magic circle and poured all the remaining foul-smelling human blood from the porcelain jar into the stone disk.

She closed her eyes, stacking her left thumb on her protruding ring finger, while her right hand touched her thumb and pinky. Then she began to recite the incantation in a loud voice.

Before long, the thick foul blood in the stone disk began to ripple, and more and more small bubbles emerged, like boiling hot soup. Soon, the boiling blood gradually rose, forming a flowing blood column nearly a meter high. Then, multiple noticeable protrusions began to extend from the blood column, transforming into eight slender limbs and two heads.

This was the arrival of a demon, an incarnation, a projection of hell manifesting in the human world. Its body, composed of rotten blood, split open a seam and began to emit wet bubbling sounds: "Gurgle, what is your wish?"

"Teach a lesson to the family next door."

The blood column gurgled and sank back down, turning liquid again, but soon, the blood in the disk began to move, swirling and flowing out onto the ground, absorbing the blood that formed the magic circle, then continuing to roll towards the door. It spread out into a massive blood cloth, seeping through the gaps around the door, and then entered room 405 in the same manner.

The rotten blood first flowed into the main bedroom of the two-bedroom apartment, where a man and a woman were sound asleep. The blood brushed across the woman's face, leaving a mark of ominous and morbid significance; the blood then crawled up the man's face, injecting him with endless terrifying nightmares, causing him to emit muffled sounds but not wake up.

The rotten blood continued to flow into the second bedroom. But when it entered the room, it seemed to hesitate for a moment and did not immediately take action. It surveyed its surroundings and found the room quite messy, with toys, clothes, and stationery scattered everywhere. Its attention shifted to the bed on one side of the room, where a pair of wide-open eyes were staring at it. Those eyes belonged to a creature resembling a ten-year-old boy, but the face where those eyes were located displayed a horrifying expression that could never appear on an ordinary ten-year-old's face. He was smiling, his mouth stretched wide, a little tongue sticking out and trembling slightly.

The rotten blood paused but then continued its attack. The summoned demon could only use the summoner's body to walk the earth for a day and night after completing the summoner's task. It missed that feeling, after all, demons of its level could only be summoned once every 500 years at least.

The last time it was summoned was in 1474, and the summoner was a Gallic rooster; the entire process was a complete accident— the rooster happened to drop a drop of blood on the magic circle formed by its claws. Unfortunately, it was a rooster without desires, as it hardly even had a self. So it imposed a slight punishment, causing the rooster to lay an egg, then returned to hell, regretfully wasting that opportunity for summoning.

The demon, embodied in rotten blood, concentrated all its power, transforming into a blood net in the 12-square-meter children's room, and then pounced towards the child with open eyes on the bed.

But the child merely extended his left hand, grabbing a bloodline that had already approached and begun to cling to him, then he sat up and pulled hard; the blood net that had just started to wrap around his body fell off directly, then was kneaded into a reddish-brown blood clump by his small hands. He threw that blood clump against the wall, causing it to burst into a blood flower.

On the child's face, the smile remained.

The demon knew it was no match and, taking advantage of breaking free from the child's control, quickly gathered the rotten blood and escaped through the door crack.

It returned to Wang Xin's room, gathering back into the stone disk, and as it was leaving, it intended to give this summoner a warning, so the human blood in the disk began to swirl and slowly rose into the air. This surprised Wang Xin, who was about to drink the rotten blood. Then the blood ball exploded, writing repeated characters all over the ceiling and walls of the room:

pura malum pura malum pura malum pura malum pura malum……

Before long, those characters melted and dripped down, turning into a rain of blood.

In horror, Wang Xin crouched down, holding her head, her body trembling uncontrollably.

The demon had actually failed! What a terrifying fact: a demon from hell had actually failed!

pura malum, pure evil, she dared not imagine what that meant.

The dripping rotten blood gathered again, enveloping the crouching Wang Xin, to collect the price for summoning it— even if the task failed, demons never returned empty-handed.

Wang Xin's left ring finger suddenly snapped off at the tip, then detached from her palm. The sudden pain short-circuited her brain, causing her to faint.

In the next room, the smile on the child's face appeared even more terrifying.


Wang Xin sat up in a pool of blood, but there was something else that made her uneasy.

Outside the window was a pitch-black scene, which was very unusual; after all, all the streets in this area of the city had long been equipped with sufficient streetlights, not to mention the light leaking from the surrounding tall buildings, and even in the event of a major power outage, there would always be some emergency generators working, creating pockets of light.

Another source of unease came from the sounds coming from outside the door: rustling, beeping...

This sound made Wang Xin abandon the idea of looking out the window and instead went straight to the door, pressing her ear against it to listen.

Rustling, beeping, rustling, beeping...

She looked through the peephole but saw only the same darkness as outside the window. She opened the door a crack to peek outside, but only saw the usual corridor, yet the rustling and beeping sounds became clearer, seemingly coming from the next room.

She poked her head out of her room and saw a thick trail of blood in the corridor. From the direction of that blood trail, it seemed something had been dragged out of the next room and then dragged back in. The air was filled with the stench of human blood, far stronger than the blood smell already on her, but as a believer of the Black Soul Cult, she was not repulsed by this scent.

She stepped out of her room, vaguely seeing that the door to the next room was ajar. The rustling and beeping sounds became more pronounced in the corridor, and with each step she took towards the next room, the sounds grew louder. After taking four steps, she could vaguely see a swaying figure in the next room, and the sound had become overwhelmingly loud, as if shaking the walls and her body.

She took another step forward and saw the figure clearly. It was the boy, the pure evil evil child; he was sitting on a half-human head, the torn chest gushing thick blood bubbles. In front of the evil child was another corpse with a torn chest but not completely severed, and he was gnawing on its arm. Rustling, beeping. Wang Xin recognized at a glance that the corpse being gnawed was the evil child's mother. Rustling, beeping.

Wang Xin involuntarily gasped.

The evil child suddenly turned his head, a terrifying smile appearing on his bloodied face. His tongue slid across his upper lip.

Wang Xin instinctively wanted to flee, but her legs felt paralyzed with fear. She could only watch helplessly as the evil child stood up after discarding the half-eaten arm. She saw him tear off his blood-soaked clothes and walk towards her with a lewd smile.

As the evil child was three steps away from her, Wang Xin's legs gave way, and she knelt down. The evil child leaped forward, landing in front of Wang Xin, grabbing her face with his bloodied hands. His tongue slid across his lips again, then he opened his mouth wide, extending his tongue from Wang Xin's chin up to her forehead, then that tongue moved down, reaching Wang Xin's mouth and diving inside.

A wave of foul odor rushed in, nearly causing Wang Xin to faint on the spot. Tears streamed down her face, and only then did she instinctively try to resist. She reached out to push him away but had no strength, merely flailing helplessly.

The evil child suddenly grabbed her breast and squeezed hard, causing a sharp pain that made Wang Xin tremble all over. But the foul tongue stuffed in her mouth prevented her from even screaming.

Suddenly, the evil child released her and then slapped her hard, knocking Wang Xin to the ground. He grabbed Wang Xin's short skirt and yanked it, tearing it apart and exposing her light green panties. Without a moment's hesitation, the evil child tore apart this last barrier, revealing his massive, throbbing penis, as thick as the evil child's forearm, and then thrust it into Wang Xin's dry vagina.

Wang Xin, who was on the verge of fainting, was suddenly jolted awake by the tearing sensation from her vagina, and she involuntarily let out a wild scream.

The evil child did not wait at all and began to move. The powerful thrusts battered Wang Xin's dry vaginal walls, causing them to swell and bleed, resulting in a pain like a thousand needles.

Wang Xin had no strength left to resist, only able to wail, tears streaming down her face. Her body involuntarily rocked back and forth, almost splitting apart under the violent impact.

Ten minutes later, the evil child howled loudly, his foul black semen spraying into Wang Xin's body. Finally, the evil child tore apart Wang Xin's upper clothing and frantically licked her already bruised breasts.

Before long, the evil child's penis became erect again, and Wang Xin's nightmare was far from over...


Wang Xin suddenly opened her eyes, her heart racing like thunder. It was just a nightmare, she realized, but the fear left by that nightmare still filled her consciousness, making her unable to suppress the cold sweat pouring down and feeling utterly exhausted.

After a long while, she sat up in bed, preparing to wash up. At that moment, she suddenly noticed something seemed to be flowing out from her lower body, like an excessive menstrual flow. No, it was more than that.

She lifted the blanket and looked down, only to see a sticky black mass had soaked through her panties. In a panic, she took off her panties, stood up from the bed, but saw that the foul, sticky black semen continued to flow from Wang Xin's swollen vagina.

Wang Xin was horrified and rushed into the bathroom to wash herself.

The gentle water flow gradually calmed Wang Xin's fear and cleared her mind significantly. Undoubtedly, the evil power that the evil child could wield far surpassed her, and even ordinary demons were no match for her; but she was unwilling to accept this, no one could remain unscathed after humiliating her like this. She needed the help of the cult.

After cleaning up and dressing neatly, she opened the door and walked towards the elevator. The open door of the next room brought her an uncontrollable sense of panic and fear. She quickened her pace, wanting to pass quickly in front of the next room. As she passed by the open door, she couldn't help but glance inside, only to see the evil child sitting naked on the floor of the porch, his massive penis standing erect, oozing black sticky liquid. The evil child was still laughing, a lewd grin on his face.

Wang Xin almost broke into a run, fleeing.

The meeting hall of the Black Soul Cult was a private estate in the western district, lush with flowers and plants, completely unrecognizable as a gathering place for a group of demon worshippers.

Wang Xin entered the hall and saw a robust woman standing beside a pure black stone tablet in the center of the hall, prompting her to quicken her pace.

"You've come!" The woman said as Wang Xin approached, looking worried, "I was very concerned; you’ve provoked something you shouldn’t have."

"Master, he came to provoke me first," Wang Xin gritted her teeth, having already explained what had happened on the way.

"He is pure evil, pura malum. Do you understand what that means?" A hint of anxiety suddenly appeared on the face of the master, which was tattooed with a black snake pattern.

Wang Xin shook her head.

"He is the demon among demons, pure evil; no demon can defeat him."

"But he’s just a child! There must be a way."

"Evil has nothing to do with age." The master led Wang Xin into the elevator, which began to descend.

"But we still..."

"We only have one last resort, but I don’t know if it will work." The master sighed, "If I could, I would really want to give up on you directly, but that’s useless; he won’t spare us either."

"What method?"

"Since demons won’t do, we can only summon the evil god."

The elevator door slowly opened, revealing the dojo behind, where some people were busy setting up.

In the center of the dojo was a stone altar protruding from the ground, beside which a priest covered in black cloth, with only his eyes visible, was kneeling and painting a magic circle with human blood. To the left, some black sacrificial flags had already been erected, each adorned with different blood-red symbols; the flags on the right seemed to be undergoing final touches.

"Go help out," the master said.


Midnight, the ritual began.

The master wore a horned helmet over half a meter long, his face covered with blood gauze, dressed in a deep red robe, and barefoot; he held a ritual bell in his left hand that jingled, while his right hand waved a ritual ruler as if drawing divine images; he chanted incantations, twisting his body as he circled around the central altar.

On the altar was a freshly slaughtered yellow cow, its neck still gushing blood from the wound. Its eyes still flickered slightly, as if not fully dead.

The congregation knelt on the ground, chanting in unison: "We kneel and beseech the great god to descend! We kneel and beseech the great god to descend! We kneel and beseech the great god to descend!..." These voices echoed back and forth in the underground dojo, the tremors they stirred up enough to instill fear in anyone with a strong will.

Time can lose its perceptual precision in certain scenarios. When Wang Xin heard a thick yet ambiguous voice from the altar, resembling a command, she felt a sharp pain in her throat, not knowing how long the ritual had been going on. She didn’t dare to look up, nor could she. Although He responded to their prayers, mere mortals had no right to gaze upon the divine.

The congregation's chanting stopped. Then a beeping sound came from the altar, as the evil god, the Blood Wolf General, was enjoying the sacrifice offered to Him.

After an unknown amount of time, the beeping finally ceased, but soon the Blood Wolf General began to make rustling sounds as He picked His teeth.

In the midst of this sound, Wang Xin and all the other congregants felt fear, completely unable to move.

Finally, the rustling sound also stopped. The Blood Wolf General began to speak in a tone filled with murderous authority, stating His conditions: "I agree to do this for you, but from now on, you must offer such sacrifices every three days for ten years." This was an uncompromising command, the will of the evil god.

Everyone shouted, "Understood."

The Blood Wolf General then transformed into a stream of blood energy, rushing towards the apartment building where Wang Xin lived, aiming to kill the evil child.

Cold winds howled, dark clouds piled up, heavy rain poured down, and thunderstorms raged.

The evil god stood in the evil child's home, but the evil child did not even glance at Him. The evil god was furious and exerted His pressure, causing the entire building to collapse instantly; yet at that moment, the evil child charged straight at the evil god amidst the swirling dust and mud. Before the evil god could react, he was grabbed by the neck. The evil child opened his mouth wide, rows of teeth flipping outwards, blood dripping, almost completely detaching from his mouth, and then he bit down on the evil god.

The evil god suddenly felt all his strength drain away. He could hardly believe that once a human became purely evil, they could possess such destructive power. In just one round, He was utterly defeated, left to be consumed.

The evil child devoured the evil god, seizing His divinity and becoming the new evil god. He released His pressure over a radius of about two hundred kilometers, issuing divine decrees demanding blood sacrifices and beautiful women from humanity.

For more than a year afterward, the government-run Heavenly Dao Institute made multiple attempts to suppress the evil child, all of which failed. They even tried to leverage the power of righteous gods but were told that the evil child had already attained divinity, and humanity clearly could not afford the cost of war between gods.

In the end, humanity was forced to choose to offer sacrifices to the evil child god until His human body died and returned to the divine realm.

At first, the sacrifices and offerings were all heinous criminals and followers of demons or evil gods, with Wang Xin being one of the first batches of sacrifices—she died painfully after being tortured for two days. But soon, the government discovered the convenience of this and began to eliminate organizations and individuals they disliked under the guise of offering sacrifices to the evil child god, or to procure beautiful women, money, and magical treasures for themselves. They were very successful and, with the help of propaganda machines, made most people gratefully believe that all of this was for the greatest benefit of the people.

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