


Purification Prince

On this planet, there are 740,000 kingdoms, almost every kingdom has its own princess or prince, forming a diverse ecosystem of royal offspring. No royal studies researcher could possibly depict their interactions in full detail, and even selecting the top ten most special princesses or princes has caused my teacher, the current leading authority in royal studies, Sir La Seltadni, six years of headache and entanglement. But such effort is worthwhile; after six years of hard research, my teacher created the now-renowned "Top Ten Unique Royal Offspring List," which has won numerous awards over the past twenty-four years. My teacher has also stated multiple times that this is his most significant achievement in his academic career.

I am the latest graduate student accepted by Sir La Seltadni, and I am also the last student of his who has surpassed seventy years of age. As the first research task after enrollment, Sir La Seltadni asked me to select a princess or prince from thousands of years of world history who might be included in the "Top Ten Unique Royal Offspring List." Due to his adherence to a free education paradigm, my teacher did not impose any selection criteria on me, but this left me to search through the vast sea of historical documents without any direction. Two and a half months later, the brand new "World Royal Offspring Directory" I purchased upon enrollment had become damaged and deformed from my extensive reading, but fortunately, I finally pinpointed my target and found a uniquely distinctive prince. The following is his story.

Five thousand five hundred years ago, in the Kaotuga Highlands of the Southern Hemisphere, a sleeping witch emerged from her place of practice. For reasons unknown, she traveled around, cursing the most beautiful virgin princesses in various kingdoms, putting them into a deep sleep. To break this curse, a prince who truly loves the princess must give her a heartfelt kiss. According to later statistics, during the short four years of the sleeping witch's activities, at least 272 beautiful princesses fell victim—an average of one princess falling asleep every 5.3 days.

At that time, it was still over thirteen hundred years until Saint Fenti developed the anti-witchcraft magic array, and the kingdoms in the Kaotuga Highlands had no means to deal with the sleeping witch. They could only watch helplessly as she flew into palaces, cursed the most beautiful princesses, and left behind brief instructions for breaking the curse—requiring the true love prince's heartfelt kiss. Some kingdoms attempted to block her with force, but all efforts were in vain, often resulting in significant losses due to the witch's retaliation. Consequently, the kingdoms quickly gave up resisting the witch.

To avoid being cursed, the beautiful princesses each had their own methods, the most mainstream being to marry or have affairs before the witch arrived at their palaces, thus losing their virginity. Some princesses took a different approach, deliberately disfiguring themselves. However, these methods only ensured that the married princesses themselves were not cursed; the sleeping witch would still come and curse their sisters.

It wasn't until three years after the sleeping witch ceased her activities that the kingdoms in the Kaotuga Highlands began to truly search for true love princes for their sleeping princesses according to the instructions left by the witch.

Clearly, this was no easy task. Even though these sleeping princesses possessed the most beautiful appearances in their respective kingdoms, very few could genuinely fall in love with someone who had been in a state of deep sleep. Without interaction and communication, the sleeping beautiful princesses appeared no different from beautiful dolls in the eyes of the princes from various countries; dolls even had the advantage—they could keep their eyes open.

Thus, many princes deeply kissed the sleeping princesses, their lips smeared with the saliva of different young men, but only a few managed to wake up during this process; moreover, those princes who successfully awakened the princesses were often criticized later—speculation suggested that those princes truly fell in love with the sleeping princesses mostly due to a necrophilia fetish.

Another eleven years passed, and the sleeping princesses were all over thirty years old, their bodies having prematurely aged due to muscle atrophy from prolonged sleep. At this time, a young prince with innate purification abilities appeared.

This prince was born in the southwestern kingdom of the Dapulu Islands, specifically on the island of Ritetplu, and was the fourth son of His Majesty King Roltulau, named Volgushni, meaning "light and glory." When his purification ability became known, he had just turned fifteen, entering puberty later than most boys, and had recently lost his virginity to his bedmaid, enjoying the pleasures of sex.

One day, after releasing his nature with the daughter of a palace groom, she was pleasantly surprised to find that her family's curse had disappeared. Due to the long passage of time, it was difficult to verify what the curse of this groom's family was; some said it involved having three breasts, with one randomly secreting blood; others said there was a small mouth in the navel that needed to be fed leeches daily; and yet others claimed there was a patch of black hair at the anus that itched unbearably on the tenth of each month. Regardless of what the family's curse was, after having intercourse with Prince Volgushni, the curse completely vanished.

This miraculous event quickly attracted the attention of the Holy Church, which immediately regarded it as a solution to the sleeping princess problem.

At that time, the Witchcraft Union was still weak, and the Technology Guild had yet to be established; it was an era dominated by the Holy Church. Naturally, the southwestern kingdom of Ritetplu could not go against the Holy Church's decision, so the young prince Volgushni, under the protection of the Holy Church, set off to the Kaotuga Highlands to begin his journey of awakening the princesses of various kingdoms.

Of course, our current laws would certainly classify this as an act of rape, but at the time, this seemed to be the only option they could think of—no, the kingdoms of the Kaotuga Highlands unanimously refused to let their once most beautiful princesses die in dreams; as long as there was a solution and the cost was acceptable, they would awaken those sleeping princesses.

For such an arrangement, Prince Volgushni, who loved ample breasts, was naturally very resistant, but he ultimately could not resist. Even if he needed drug assistance, he was forced to complete his mission—to insert his penis into the vaginas of those princesses who had been asleep for at least fifteen years and ejaculate.

Without exception, the sleeping princesses would wake up within eight hours, and then they would realize their situation: their bodies were emaciated like starving ghosts; their muscles were weak and their bodies powerless, nearly paralyzed; their brains were dull, struggling to comprehend complex concepts, with only strong feelings of pessimism and despair remaining.

But the Holy Church did not care—they only cared about breaking the curse and did not care about the aftermath. As long as the princess woke up, they would leave with the increasingly disgusted prince and head to the next kingdom in the Kaotuga Highlands.

Prince Volgushni was like a breeding boar, but he had a human head; after saving nineteen sleeping princesses, he escaped. His figure never appeared again in the official history, as if he had died on the run. For this reason, he had never become the subject of any royal studies research, as princes or princesses with purification abilities had appeared in history over a hundred times, many of whom possessed stronger purification abilities than this purification prince. For instance, the Clean Princess, revered as a saint by the fourteen kingdoms of the Mahalbi Valley fourteen hundred years ago, could purify water to a sterile level in a short time with her touch. It was her activity that led the wandering doctor Miksha to discover the existence of bacteria, thus starting a technological revolution in public health. Yet this Clean Princess had never been selected for my teacher's "Top Ten Unique Royal Offspring List." What merit did Prince Volgushni have?

In fact, by analyzing the clues from that time and later, following the hidden threads in the vast sea of literature and temporal traces, I believe I have found the story of Prince Volgushni's life after his escape, and I dare say that even compared to the ten princesses and princes on the "Top Ten Unique Royal Offspring List," Prince Volgushni's story is sufficiently bizarre.

On the day he escaped, the Kaotuga Highlands was brewing the last storm of that summer, rain clouds gathering on the horizon, but the messenger wind had already arrived in Tisha Town, squeezing out mournful cries between the cracks of stone houses. Prince Volgushni could no longer bear it; every time he recalled those events, he trembled all over, his stomach aching unbearably. With two days' journey left to the capital of the Han Dumin Kingdom, even if he had to wait two days in Tisha Town due to the storm, he would still experience that nightmarish torment again in four or five days.

"I might as well die," Prince Volgushni thought, "self-destruction has always been a royal tradition." But he only thought about it and did not take real action, for Prince Volgushni was very afraid of pain and also feared the afterlife described in books, a hell filled only with despair and suffering, where suicides would surely go.

The thick, moisture-laden rain clouds blocked the sunlight, creating a dim space, like the mouth of a giant python, which would swallow Tisha Town in three hours.

The torrential rain poured down like a waterfall, striking the rooftops and roads with a natural rhythm, the universe's original lullaby, lulling both humans and animals into drowsiness. But Prince Volgushni was very awake; he knew this was his only chance. If this escape failed, the Holy Church would surely send more people to guard him, and he would never have freedom again.

Bypassing the sleeping guard at the door, Prince Volgushni walked towards the backyard along the cloister of the Tisha Town church. Earlier, during a stroll, he had noticed there was a door there, behind which was a small room with two raincoats hanging inside.

In the passionate melody of the rainstorm, Prince Volgushni heard no sounds of human activity; it seemed humanity had given up making noise in this natural song. Passing by the ear room, he heard some men speaking loudly, among them the voice of the guard Badiso, but fortunately, those men did not notice him. He rounded the ear room and continued along the cloister to the small room at the door. The inexperienced Prince Volgushni quickly donned the obviously oversized raincoat and tied it tightly, then put on a hat and dashed into the rainstorm.

Those who have never walked in a rainstorm can never understand how difficult it is. The raindrops distorted his vision, obscuring everything behind an endless gray curtain. Prince Volgushni had read in books that those without sight would only keep turning in circles. The reason, it is said, is that a person's feet are not always the same length; this slight difference accumulates into a huge error over continuous movement, turning a straight line into a circle, while the traveler remains completely unaware of this process.

Prince Volgushni lost his direction.

Prince Volgushni was engulfed in fear.

Up, down, left, and right all turned into the same gray, as if he too would be melted into this gray, becoming a puddle of mud, becoming a rain.

The rain had soaked him through, his body icy cold, and Prince Volgushni suddenly lost his sense of time. It seemed he was experiencing hallucinations in his mind; he saw a faint light appearing in the distance, like a sword piercing through the gray rain curtain.

Prince Volgushni knew his end was near; he was about to die. But once this became clear, the fear was no longer so prominent. He recalled that the groom's daughter, Aya, who once bore an extraordinary family curse, had said that when a person dies, a guide would descend from the heavens to collect the souls and lead them to another world. In that world, the souls would be placed into a giant spinning machine. After spinning at high speed for eighty-one days, the memories of the deceased would be separated, like some concentrated liquid; they would be stored in indestructible containers, becoming the collection of the gods. The pure souls left behind would then be sent back into the human world, reincarnated as humans or animals.

The guide was about to come to collect his memories and soul, Prince Volgushni thought, that was his last thought before losing consciousness.

When he woke up, he realized he had never thought he would wake up again. The white walls were like meticulously polished jade, completely free of impurities, a suitable strength, neither dim nor glaring, a milky white.

Prince Volgushni sat up in confusion, feeling no trace of the fatigue from his memories, even experiencing a strange joy. He thought, perhaps he had now become a memory, a collection of the gods, and the surrounding white was the container holding the memories.

Prince Volgushni discovered that this white formed an elliptical room, and the white bed he had previously lain on was located at one focus of this ellipse. The walls seemed to be entirely seamless, with no visible traces of a door. But the door did exist, at the endpoint of the long axis closer to the other focus. Prince Volgushni knew this because he saw a gray humanoid being in a bright red robe walk in. The door opened like an anus, expelling the visitor before closing again, disappearing without a trace. But perhaps, any position in this room could open a door like that.

To Prince Volgushni, everything happening now felt like a miracle, and this being was undoubtedly a god.

"Great true god!" Prince Volgushni recalled the prayer ceremony presided over by the archbishop of the Holy Church, then knelt down, touching his head to the ground three times, and then sat back on his knees, clasping his fingers in front of his chest, closing his eyes to pray, waiting for divine words.

The god said, "I am not a god. Please rise." The being gently grasped Prince Volgushni's arm and applied a slight upward force.

Prince Volgushni opened his eyes and silently stood up. He was waiting for an explanation.

"In fact, I am just an ordinary being from an ordinary planet, just like you," the being said, "You can call me Zhao Xiaofei."

"I am not ordinary; I am a prince," Prince Volgushni replied.

"Of course, of course." The being, who called itself Zhao Xiaofei, waved its hand, clearly not wanting to continue this topic. "To be honest, I have a request."

"That is natural; I also want to thank you for your rescue." Prince Volgushni tilted his head slightly, trying to maintain royal demeanor, although later he would find that utterly unnecessary and ridiculous—since the moment he stepped into the rainstorm to escape, he was no longer a prince.

"My planet is suffering from an invasion of dark forces, and we need purification power. But in this increasingly degenerate universe, such power is becoming increasingly scarce." Zhao Xiaofei began to explain, "We searched our own country, found nothing; then searched the entire planet, still found nothing; then we built large intelligent machines to search our entire solar system, yet still came up empty. With no other options, we retreated into orbit, allowing the dark forces to occupy the entire planet. But we did not give up; we continued to research and built even larger search machines to explore the vast universe. Finally, we found you, forty-two light-years away from my planet, yet you are the closest source of purification power. I really don't know if it's fortunate or unfortunate; if I had arrived a few minutes later, you might have disappeared. You must help us!"

Prince Volgushni was momentarily speechless, needing to confirm multiple times to understand the other party's intentions. Finally, he candidly said, "My purification power needs to be realized through intercourse, but you are talking about an entire planet."

"I believe my civilization can find a solution, such as cloning your purification power or developing a purification power amplifier," Zhao Xiaofei said. "We possess technology beyond your imagination, but we need you."

Prince Volgushni believed he had no homeland to return to, so he agreed and stepped into Zhao Xiaofei's spaceship, heading into the distance.

Ten days later, they returned to Zhao Xiaofei's homeland, but by then, nearly two thousand years had passed in the world outside the spaceship; for Zhao Xiaofei, it had been four thousand years since she left her world. Zhao Xiaofei explained that this was the result of the relativistic time dilation effect, but this was a concept Prince Volgushni could never truly understand—he tried but failed.

The dark forces, after four thousand years of development, had completely assimilated the entire planet, turning it into an extremely violent giant beast. Blood-red storms ravaged the entire planet, and no land could be seen from any angle; at the poles of that planet, there were two giant black eyes glaring angrily at the universe, especially at the many massive space fortresses swirling around it. Occasionally, from within the blood-red storm covering the entire planet, insect-like monsters with huge black wings would fly out, their mandibles capable of spewing high-temperature flames that could melt everything in nature. They were the seeds of invasion from the dark planet, like a virus, seeking to infect the entire universe.

And those space fortresses were the immune system defending against these viral escapes; they were made of magical alloys, capable of withstanding unimaginably high temperatures. Surrounding the dark planet, these space fortresses formed a massive defense net that upgraded as the dark planet's power increased. But everyone here knew that if the problem was not fundamentally solved, if the dark planet was not thoroughly purified, one day, the speed of technological development would not keep pace with the rise of dark forces.

Zhao Xiaofei brought back good news, but at that time, civilization had no way to project Prince Volgushni's purification power onto the dark planet. Therefore, to ensure that Prince Volgushni remained alive until a method was found, they froze him, putting him into a state of sleep. Unlike the magical sleep state of the previous princesses, Prince Volgushni's sleep state was based on technology, preventing him from aging, and his body and intellect would not degrade, with only some non-permanent side effects.

This sleep lasted for five hundred years.

When Prince Volgushni woke up, the first gray being he saw announced to him, "We have finally found a method." But the gray being did not explain any details to him. After five hundred years of sleep, Prince Volgushni's body ached all over, and he even felt his brain trembling, so he naturally had no more energy to inquire further. Later, when he had the energy, he was immediately forced into the implementation of these details.

The core of this process was a technology called "biomass spatial mapping." This technology combined the latest scientific and magical research achievements of the gray civilization, changing the presentation form of a biological entity in the current space-time through spatial stretching, while retaining the operational mechanisms within that biological entity. In other words, this technology could enlarge a biological entity without affecting its own functions.

At that time, Prince Volgushni did not know what this meant. Clearly, he was not a person with a rich imagination; even when he saw the giant spacesuit lying in orbit around the dark planet, he still did not realize his fate. He was truly a fool! But if one had to say something to comfort oneself, it was not necessarily a bad thing; after all, knowing his fate earlier would only mean starting to endure pain sooner, merely beginning to feel fear sooner. Because even if he knew earlier, he could not escape again; after all, this civilization could even intercept the tiny insect-like demons flying out of the dark planet.

Prince Volgushni had just begun to understand the impact of these five hundred years on the gray civilization, barely grasping the relationship between robots, cyborgs, and pure biological gray beings. After having tasted nine new dishes, he began to endure his fate.

Riding a shuttle, he traveled from the Zhao Xiaofei space fortress to a space station connected to the giant spacesuit. This space station was located at the neck of the giant spacesuit and was one of nine space stations connected to it. Through this space station, they entered the interior of the spacesuit, and the cyborg gray beings beside Prince Volgushni conducted one last physical examination, confirming that his body was indeed in optimal condition.

"Please enter this sphere," a cyborg gray being said to Prince Volgushni, and the sphere it referred to looked like a giant bubble, its semi-transparent surface scattering colorful, dazzling light, floating five meters in front of them, seemingly without any supporting structure.

"What do you intend for me to do?" Prince Volgushni asked.

Whether you believe it or not, this was truly the only question regarding his own fate that Prince Volgushni asked during the eighteen days after he woke up. But even so, the cyborgs around him did not provide any answers, merely repeating, "Please enter this sphere."

Prince Volgushni hesitated; he instinctively sensed that something bad was about to happen. But after hesitating, when the cyborg insisted again, "Please enter this sphere," he compromised and entered the sphere.

The entrance of the sphere automatically sealed behind Prince Volgushni, and then the interior of the sphere began to fill with liquid. Just as Prince Volgushni was about to shout, he heard a voice from somewhere saying, "Don't panic," and then he felt his consciousness beginning to blur—that was due to the anesthetic gas he started inhaling after entering the sphere.

When Prince Volgushni woke up again, he sensed something was amiss. It was not the aftereffects of waking from anesthesia but a complete sense of strangeness, as if this world was no longer the world he knew, or perhaps he himself had undergone some incredible transformation within this world. Besides this strangeness, another very obvious feeling for Prince Volgushni came from his lower body. It was an unbelievable feeling of engorgement, a sensation transmitted from his fully erect penis, with pulsating blood vessels and a temperature above average; moreover, he could distinctly feel something stroking back and forth on the skin of his penis, causing a vague itch that made his sexual desire hard to resist. But Prince Volgushni found that his entire body felt as if it had been imprisoned, completely unable to move—he couldn't even see what was happening to his penis.

Just as Prince Volgushni tried to twist his body, desperately wanting to use his right hand to grab his penis, a circular arc of light appeared in his peripheral vision—that was the sunrise on the dark planet. At that moment, Prince Volgushni finally understood where he was—his enlarged body was trapped inside that giant spacesuit, and his body was passively in a state of sexual arousal. Regardless of whether it was drugs or neural stimulation, something had been done to his body without his consent. This was the retribution he faced for violating those sleeping princesses; it was the divine punishment imposed on him by the gray beings. In that instant, only regret and self-blame remained in Prince Volgushni's heart.

Then, Prince Volgushni felt acceleration. Under the joint traction of the nine space stations, Prince Volgushni, trapped in the giant spacesuit, slowly moved toward the dark planet.

"Ah! Help! Help..." Prince Volgushni shouted, but no one responded. He watched helplessly as he fell toward the dark planet—even though he was now as massive as a mountain, he still appeared very small in front of a terrestrial planet. Meanwhile, amidst such terror, Prince Volgushni's penis remained erect, continuing to stand firm.

As he was about to enter the blood-red atmosphere of the dark planet, Prince Volgushni saw numerous gray ships flying in front of him, beginning to intercept the insect-like monsters that were surging upward.

"Battlefield." That was the word that appeared in Prince Volgushni's mind, nearly making him vomit, and then he closed his eyes.

Prince Volgushni continued to approach the dark planet, and after entering its atmosphere, he began to hear explosions and screams. About an hour later, when he felt a sudden intense pressure on his penis, he finally opened his eyes. The pain made him shrink, but he could not avoid it.

Prince Volgushni saw a lake. The blood-colored surface of the lake was calm as a mirror, reflecting his own image—despite the fear, confusion, and pain, there was no doubt that it was the face of a prince.

Prince Volgushni's eyes looked down to their limits, but since his body could not bend and he could not lower his head, he could not see what was happening to his penis. Then he felt his buttocks being lifted, then pushed back down, repeating this several times before Prince Volgushni finally realized he was being controlled to perform sexual intercourse, and the object of that intercourse was this planet.

He was penetrating a planet!

Prince Volgushni's penis was inserted into a volcano on the dark planet, controlled by the spacesuit's penis sheath, moving up and down under the guidance of the space station ships.

He was raping a planet!

What a bizarre and horrifying scene that would be! A giant astronaut committing sexual violence against a planet within a protective net formed by a group of battle ships.

Soon, an earthquake occurred, accompanied by the painful moans of the dark planet.

Prince Volgushni exerted all his strength to try to escape, but it was futile; he continued to be forced to be the perpetrator.

Ultimately, he was about to ejaculate; this was the instinctive reaction of the male human body, which could not be fully controlled by the brain, but the side effects of this process would be input into his brain in the form of sexual pleasure.

Just as Prince Volgushni was about to ejaculate, the protective shell in front of his giant glans suddenly popped open, exposing half of his glans to the high-temperature volcanic lava.

In the next moment, Prince Volgushni ejaculated, the pleasure and the burning pain simultaneously transmitted from his lower body to his brain, delivering an overload of neural stimulation that nearly made him faint.

The dark planet let out a violent wail.

Prince Volgushni's body trembled twice, and the last two streams of semen flowed from his glans. Then, a ring of blades extended from the position where his glans was exposed, completely cutting off his half-burned glans. With half of his glans severed, Prince Volgushni's body was sealed and protected again, but the pain from losing half of his glans finally exceeded his tolerance limit, and amidst the cries of the dark planet, he ultimately lost consciousness.

In the few hours he was unconscious, the dark planet was successfully purified, and Prince Volgushni had returned to his original size; although he received treatment, he permanently lost half of his glans.

Soon after, the major powers of the gray civilization began to compete for control of the purified home planet, and disputes could escalate into war at any moment. Before the situation deteriorated beyond repair, Prince Volgushni requested to be sent back to his original planet, which is the planet we are on now. But when this purification prince returned to his homeland once again, five thousand five hundred years had passed since he last stood on this planet. His homeland, the southwestern kingdom of the Dapulu Islands, had long been replaced by new kingdoms, disappearing into the annals of history, becoming part of historical documents.

To reintegrate into this world, Prince Volgushni began to relearn the language that had changed. Six years later, having changed his name, Prince Volgushni became one of the last students of Sir La Seltadni and was assigned a research task after enrollment: to select a princess or prince who might be included in the "Top Ten Unique Royal Offspring List." After several rounds of research and entanglement, he decided to tell his own story.

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